5 Steps to Being a Happier Parent

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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5 Steps to Being a Happier Parent

It could be exhausting being a parent. Yes, there’s no joy like it, and the privilege of being a parent to someone is incomparable to anything else. But that doesn’t mean it’s an easy job.

Being a parent is not one of the jobs you can quit. When the tough gets going, you automatically need to go tougher. You never take off your parenting hat even when you’re not at the house or when you’re not with your kids.

This 24/7 gig can leave you pretty tired and sometimes doubtful about yourself and what you’re doing.

Here are some ways you can keep yourself on the happy spectrum:

Let go of perfection

There is no such thing as the perfection that everybody thinks. It doesn’t exist in anyone, not you, your partner, your friends, and most notably, your kids. But it doesn’t have to be.

The more you expect that in your kids and in your home, the more you’ll just stress yourself out.

If the table’s messy, even after you just wiped it down, or when the toys rarely stay in the toy chest, or when books come flying out of the shelves, keep your cool. Life is messy, but you need to find the beauty in that.

Encourage your kids to grow into their creativity. You shouldn’t stifle that because it might get a little inconvenient for you.

Admit stress

When you do get to that breaking point, don’t pretend you’re not there. A lot of parents break down because they fail to acknowledge when they’re having a hard time. They think that it shows weakness to admit it, even more so if they ask for help.

If you don’t want to get overwhelmed, you need to share your burdens to others. Even just talking about it will help you get rid of negative emotions that come with exhaustion.

Which brings us to…

Confide in your partner

Sometimes women find it hard to tell their husbands how they feel because they are expected to be the homemakers and that they are naturally more inclined to that type of role, but just because women are programmed for it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t get difficult for them.

If the roles are reversed, men find it hard to confide in their partners because they’re supposed to know how to handle difficult situations because they’re men. And they’re programmed not to ask for help or directions as they can supposedly find their way by themselves.

Guys, give yourselves a break and realize that you’re only humans too. Have an open communication between you two as you are in it together.

Roll with the punches

Sometimes no matter how well we plan nap time, meal time, and our break time, there will be snags in the plan. You need to learn to go with the flow and let the day run itself and run along with it.

If your kids don’t really wake up all fired up to go to the park, then just stay at home and think of other activities. If you’re too tired to bring them to that birthday party, relax and skip it–there will be others.

Consider yourself in everything

Yes, you need to put your kids first. That’s what people always say. There is truth in that of course, but that doesn’t mean you don’t put yourself alongside of it.

You need to recognize that you won’t have the ability to make your kids happy if you’re unhappy. You need to take care of yourself just as much as you take care of them because the latter is dependent on you being fit to do your job effectively.

Don’t think you’re being a martyr by skipping pamper day or by trying to do everything at their pace. You’re not doing anyone a favor by burning yourself out.

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