4 Non-Toxic Ways To Deal With Anger

Author of Manifestation Miracle

One of the biggest mistakes I used to make in keeping my temper in check was to treat anger as a sort of evil entity.

Instead of accepting it as a perfectly human response to a bad situation, I’d worry too much about experiencing the emotion in the first place.

With this mindset, my anger would always get the best of me, like losing to a skilled opponent in an emotional Judo match. And when I gave in, I ended up expressing my anger in a toxic way that hurt myself and those around me.

But over the years, I’ve learned to look at this specific feeling in a different light. So now, it’s way easier for me to keep a handle on myself when this familiar visitor comes knocking.

It’s never easy to master the realm of your heart and mind. But, if you start applying these steps that we’ll go over, you can keep anger from poisoning your life.

#1.Step aside

What I mean by this is acting like a third party looking from the outside in. Don’t think about what made you angry or why the situation is unfair. Instead, simply focus on what you’re feeling in the present moment.

This is a good diversion from acting out in anger. At the same time, this allows you to observe yourself as if you’re another person.

Feel your heart racing and your muscles tightening. Then, try doing some breathing exercises as you take note of your physical reactions.

At that moment, make no room for anything else in your mind but what you’re feeling right now. This will help you disengage from your emotions and let your rational side come back.

#2. Reflect

After you’ve pulled yourself back from the brink of lashing out, the next step is to continue observing what happened. Think about the following:

  • What set you off in the first place?
  • How do you feel about the situation now that your anger has come to pass?
  • What can I do to handle a similar situation better in the future?
  • What steps do I take to repair the damage rising from my anger?

As you go through these questions, don’t forget to also give yourself some credit for keeping it together as best as you could. Right now, you’re still learning how to deal with your emotions so be kind to yourself.

#3. Find a healthy outlet

As I learned about dealing with anger, I came across an effective metaphor.

Imagine a well with clear water, then someone throwing a bottle filled with poison. Now imagine that they keep doing this every day. Sooner or later, the toxic contents from those accumulated bottles will eventually leak and poison the well.

In the same way, it’s impossible to keep a lid on something as toxic as anger in your heart. One way or another, you’ll spring a leak and the results could be explosive.

So the best approach is to create a safety valve for yourself so that you can let off steam in a safe, measured way.

There are plenty of ways to purge your negative emotions. Find something to do that aligns with your personal interest and use that as an outlet.

The more you engage in pursuits that give your life more meaning, the less likely you’ll have a meltdown when the time comes.

#4. Focus your energy elsewhere

Building on the last point we talked about, it’s also important to create a better life for yourself in general. Your hobbies and other passions have their place in your life, but you should also work on improving your situation as a whole.

I found that choosing to spend my precious time and energy on creating wealth and prosperity is its own antidote to anger. When you put yourself in a position to receive virtually unlimited opportunities for growth, it’s harder to be angry at the world.

I’ve actually discovered that this last step is by far the most effective way to eliminate negativity from my thoughts and feelings.

And the wonderful thing about it is that I use what’s known as “The Lazy Person Secret” which boosted my ability to attract all of this easily.

Suddenly I could realize everything I dreamed about before I learned the missing piece to the manifestation puzzle.

If you want to make the Law of Attraction work for you, here is a video that talks about it.

Find out the secret behind ‘The Secret’

Wishing you endless prosperity,
